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BA Design: Product Design


This programme offers students the opportunity to explore both analogue and digital product design, including homeware, lighting, urban furniture, advanced technology, and luxury design. The programme also includes cultural studies, and individual and group projects guided by tutors and supported by guest speakers, industry mentors, and field trips. The focus is on collaboration, team building, research, communication, and ethical design practice. The curriculum aims to help students become responsible, global citizens.

Dewey Classification

Shelf Numbers Subject
642.7 Tableware
649.55 Toys
688.8 Packaging
720 Architecture
738 Ceramics
739 Metalwork
745 Decorative Art
745.2151 Sustainable Design
745.4092 Product/Industrial Designers
745.4442 Contemporary Design
745.5 Crafts
745.54 Materials
747 Interior Design
748 Glass
729.28 Lighting