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Regent's University London: Bloomsbury

The Library has a subscription to Bloomsbury publications. Bloomsbury Publishing is a leading independent publishing house, established in 1986. Their Academic division specialises in the arts, humanities and social sciences, law, business and management, and study skills.
You can access:
Where you can find ebooks, articles, photography, and many more resources. 
See below for details 

Available from Regent's Sharepoint 


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3. Search for Regent's University London

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Bloomsbury Fashion Central is a dynamic digital hub for interdisciplinary research in fashion and dress.
You can access: 
  • Berg Fashion Library: the leading resource for students and researchers of fashion studies. it is invaluable for researchers in the areas of fashion, museum studies, cultural studies, anthropology, and more.
  • Fairchild Books Library: provides content that covers a full spectrum of topics in fashion including construction, draping, fashion business management, history, illustration, journalism, marketing, promotion, theory, pattern making, styling, product development, sustainable fashion, textiles, and more.
  • Bloomsbury Fashion Video Archive: this resource exhibits just over 2700 videos of spectacular fashion shows between 1979 and 2003, an unforgettable era for design on the runway.
  • Fashion Photography ArchiveCurated by world-renowned fashion historian Valerie Steele, discover over 775,000 high-quality runway, back-stage and street-style images from international shows across Paris, London, New York, and Milan in the late 1970s to 2000. 

The Bloomsbury Visual Arts digital hub brings Bloomsbury’s leading visual arts resources together onto one cross-searchable platform to support an interdisciplinary approach to studies, teaching and research.

You can access:

  • Bloomsbury Architecture Libraryynamic research tool for architecture and architecture studies. With cross-searchable access to an expanding range of text, image, and interactive content, this dynamic platform is essential for academics and provides innovative educational resources for students.

  • Bloomsbury Design Library gives comprehensive global coverage of the history, theory and practice of crafts and design, from prehistoric times to the present day.

Cite Them Right
Harvard Referencing style 

Cite Them Right is an online platform designed to advise students on how to reference correctly across eight referencing styles. Based on the best-selling book in its 12th edition, by Richard Pears and Graham Shields, this programme is trusted by institutions globally, and accessed by thousands of students daily.