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MA Business: Fashion Buying and Merchandising

The 15 month MA in Buying and Merchandising covers contemporary issues in product selection and purchasing methods. Participants will learn the technical and theoretical aspects of a buying campaign, analysing different retail formats and key micro and macro trends leading towards a research-based dissertation. By studying the organisation of the buying team and undertaking a fashion industry placement, they fully understand the role and responsibility of buyers and merchandisers in the global marketplace. The relationship of visual merchandising and sales, negotiation techniques, and soft skills in communication, decision making, time management, leadership, and team working enable participants to successfully perform on real commercial projects developing effective buying strategies for a benchmark company.

Dewey Classification

Shelf Numbers Subject
338.47687 Sustainable Fashion
650.072 Research for Business
658.7 Supply chain management
658.7 Blockchain
658.72 Fashion retail
658.8 Merchandising
658.8 Fashion marketing
658.89687 Fashion buying
658.89687 Fashion forecasting
659.157 Visual Merchandising
808 Writing guides


The European Journal of Marketing

International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management

The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

Available on Emerald

The Journal of Consumer Marketing

Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management

Strategic Direction