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MA Business: Fashion Luxury Brand Management

The 15-month course MA in Fashion & Luxury Brand Management provides in-depth knowledge of branding specifically for the fashion and luxury goods industries. The task of the brand manager is not only to attract and retain consumers, but also to improve the practical and organisational management of a brand within the fashion organisation - this course addresses both areas; luxury branding together with business management and organisation skills. Participants learn how to adapt communication, marketing and promotional techniques to reach sale goals and fully apply the key strategies of luxury businesses. As well as concentrating on the intangible elements: customer relationships, the impact of social media and the consumer ‘experience’, the course makes a critical analysis of the more tangible elements of branding; product attributes (quality, features, and design), and the difference between brand image and brand identity, packaging and labelling. Participants become experts in making key branding decisions including in brand extension and brand repositioning, and learn how to detect any weaker products in a collection. 

Dewey Classification

Shelf Numbers Subjects
650.072 Research for Business
658.8 Fashion Marketing
658.827 Branding
658.827 Luxury
658.86 Management of Marketing
808 Writing guides


The European Journal of Marketing

International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management

The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

Available on Emerald

The Journal of Consumer Marketing

Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management

Strategic Direction